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Green Team

The 4Earth Virtual Panel Discussion

On October 15th, we hosted our first-ever virtual panel discussion event in order to celebrate the launch of our Fall product for the Blowfish Malibu 4Earth collection!

Our incredible panel of speakers featured:

Marcy Cail, Women’s Shoe Designer, Blowfish Malibu

Nancy Downes, Campaign Organizer, Oceana

Lauren Ferree, Environmentalist and Video Producer

Aditi Mayer, Photojournalist, Sustainable Fashion Blogger, and Labor Rights Activist

If you were unable to tune in on the day of the event, no worries! You’re still able to log in and watch a recording of the discussion. Feel free to tune in and enjoy a great discussion about greener living, as well as what we can all do in order to make more planet-friendly choices during current the era of COVID.

Want to score a free pair of shoes from the 4Earth collection? Just post on your social channels showing us how you are eliminating single-use plastic from your life for 7 days, and be sure to use the hashtag #4Earth4Life.

Once your post is live, be sure to email a screenshot to!

Follow Blowfish Malibu on Instagram and check out more stories on the Journal.