

2020 is the beginning of something new for Blowfish Malibu. We’re taking steps to make a change and decrease our footprint on the environment. Our team is excited for the challenge, and we want to challenge you to try and make a positive change for the Earth, as well.

With the launch of our new 4Earth campaign, we’re introducing our #4Earth4Life Challenge.

Take the Challenge

For only seven days, one week, we challenge you to completely try and eliminate your use of single use plastics, as well as to cut back on waste, in general.

Document your experience on social, using the #4Earth4Life tag. Get your friends involved. See who can cut back the most. Create and educate your followers about the techniques you’ve learned on how to limit your usage. Teach your loved ones about how they can make the Earth a healthier place. At the end of the day, there’s no limit to the good we can do by cutting back.

Who knows, maybe this will be the start of a new beginning for you as well!

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#4earth4life Challenge Instagram
